Hari ini gw dikagetin sm berita yg gw denger di TV jg di Internet. King of Pop "Michael Jackson" si Legenda..Kamis ini meninggal. Duuh pdhal bru krmin gw baca koran tentang dia, klo mau tur 50 kota, buat balikin popularitasnya lagi. Kasihan bgt slama hidup terakhir2 ini, dia bnyak digosipin ini itu, yg sexual abuse to kids, punya hutang smpe 6 Trilliun (gilaaaa?!?), operasi plastik yg bikin mukanya tambah ancur..dll...padahal dia harusnya gak usah pake operasi segala. Toh bnyk artis2 negro lebih jelek dari dia, cuek2 aja tetep item, malah bisa tenar juga. Apalagi dia yg dari kecil dah merintis...sayang banget...gw suka semua lagu2nya dia...Inspiratif dari segi lirik juga spiritful yg dia bawa saat ngedance di video klip2nya..yg jelas gw cukup kaget dan kehilangan juga..Gak akan ada lagi Jacko, moonwalkernya, dance nya yg oke punya, gw lbih salut dia di 'Kafanin' Jenazahnya, berarti bener rumor yg bilang klo November 2008 yang lalu dia udah jd Moslem.....waaah..I'll Miss U Jacko, Rest i Peace..
Ini berita2 yg gw kutip dr beberapa situs tentang Jacko :
1. www.vocley.com/.../
Michael Jackson passed away this afternoon. He was 50 years old.
A 911 call came in at 12:21 p.m. at his Holmby Hills home in L.A. He was taken by ambulance to a hospital in Los Angeles after suffering cardiac arrest. Paramedics administered CPR to the music icon in the ambulance.
Joe Jackson, father of Michael Jackson, said he had been alerted to the emergency but didn’t have details. His mother was reportedly on the way to visit him as well.
“I am in Las Vegas but yes people in Los Angeles called me and are with Michael and tell me he was taken to the hospital,” the elder Jackson told an E! News reporter. “His mother is on her way to the hospital now to check in on him.
“I am not sure what’s wrong. I am waiting to hear back.”
According to TMZ, a Jackson family member said the King of Pop was in “really bad shape” and his brothers were headed to UCLA Medical Center where he was.
He died shortly thereafter.
When paramedics arrived, Jackson had no pulse and they never got a pulse back.
Michael Jackson is survived by his three children: Michael Joseph Jackson, Jr., Paris Michael Katherine Jackson and Prince “Blanket” Michael Jackson II.
He had 13 number one hits during his solo career, considered by many to be the greatest in history. He will be missed. There will never be another like him.
King of Rock (Elvis) udah passed away, hari Ini King of Pop (Michael Jackson) jg has died, yg ada King of Dut nih yg masih hehehe...
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