01 September 2008

Foto2 aneh & Langka

Gue ambil dr Blog tetangga, serem2 deh

terlepas ini fake atau bukan..enjoy this page

btw, klo ada koleksi..sharing disini ya guys..


buaya manusia


malin kundang

pohon ruku in sidney

hantu vampire yg dipercaya pernah dibunuh tahun 1800 an...oleh masyarakat eropa..

Stigmata :


El Chupacabra, mahluk aneh penghisap darah di Amerika Tengah


belum ajal

This X-ray picture shows a 5-centimeter nail stuck in an unidentified South Korean patient's skull Thursday, Dec. 2, 2004. According to a Seoul hospital, doctors found the nail after the man came to the hospital, complaining about a severe headache. They speculate that the nail stuck in the man's head four years ago in an accident but the man didn't know about it. The nail was removed in a surgery last Saturday.

pengantin wanita berkaki 4

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